Hot Wheels Olds 442 (Police Cruiser / Chief's Special)


Tomart's Price Guide to Hot Wheels; Completely Revised 6th Edition Vol. One 1968-1996

1973: 6963 (38)

a: White, metal HK base, black interior, blue windows, red light, "Police" stickers, red lines

1974: 6963 (38)

b: White, metal HK base, black interior, blue windows, red light, black door with "State Police", opening hood, red lines

1976: 6963 (38)

b2: White, metal HK base, black interior, blue windows, blue light, black door with "State Police", hood cast shut, red lines

1977: 6963 (38)

b3: White, metal HK base, black interior, blue windows, blue light, black door with "State Police", hood cast shut, basic wheels

1975: 7665 (42)

a: Red, chrome HK base, black interior, blue windows, blue light, "Fire Dept", red lines

1976: 7665 (42)

a3: Same as a, red cast bar instead of blue light

1976: 7665 (42)

a4: Same as a3, basic wheels

Hot Wheels Page


External Links:

        HW Collectors Newsletter Police Cruiser (1973) ??

        HW Collectors Newsletter Chief's Special